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Ska'drin Ash / Paladins
Lacey "Dancer" Rose / BulletVille
Yuugiri / Cross Summoner:R
Hana Terry / Fantasy Legend: War of Contract
Ice Queen / Brave Conquest
Whiprider / The Lost Legends of Redwall: The Scout
Tifa / Eastshade
729 / Incompatible Species
Scorned Ash / Paladins
Lucinda / Space Leaper: Cocoon
Scarlet Sickle Ilya / Heroes Charge
Fado / Fantasy Legend: War of Contract
Aeosera / Charge of Legends
Belladora Ivywain / The Lost Legends of Redwall: The Scout
Cartographer / Eastshade
Tau Theta / Kosmos Connections
Draconian Huntress Ash / Paladins
Garama / Cross Summoner:R
Siph / Fantasy Legend: War of Contract
Camilla / Fantasy Legend: War of Contract
Ulrica "Half-Life" Vogel / Cyber Era
Oleander Lightstep / The Lost Legends of Redwall: The Scout
Sophie / Doomsday Paradise
Dias / Hero Hunters
Sassafras / Cross Summoner:R
Ayr / Fantasy Legend: War of Contract
Moon Sentinel / Puzzle and Conquer
Astrid Brooks / Best Friend Forever
Captain Ilona / Eastshade
Diana / Magical Warrior Diamond Heart
Flower / Dooro Bear (English Dub)
Hyria / Minecraft Diaries
Hanh / Harrowed Past
Agnes / The House of Magical Misfits
Scar / A Bedtime Tale (English Dub)
Quinoa / Great Destiny Man
Kimiko / Bound in Blue
Katelyn / MyStreet
Genevieve / Super Seductive Snake Showdown
Tobi Hughes / My Pal Ponshu
Nicole / MyStreet
Hilda / Rainimator
Fa / Mugshot & Pollen
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